I would never have imagined I could fit all my gigs AND recording jobs of one year into one relatively short post.
But here we are.

January 24th had us playing at the ANAvets Club again. Cold night, post holidays no one showed up.

February 17th had me recording kids voices for an animation.

February 28th had me doing solo guitar again at the Fort Garry Hotel.

March 8th Again at the Fort Garry for solo guitar.

The last gig I did before the first big shut down was a drum gig. Ironically my first ever gig was on drums.

Things started to open up a bit as the first wave really seemed to pas by us here. No gigs but I did record a singer.

Things wen wide open in August and I had 3 gigs in a row. The first one was a t a local retuaraunt play a small wedding and reception. I played my usual background music but when I was done I got a standing ovation. I feel it was in part for my playing and in part the pent up emotions of not going anywhere or seeing anything ½ a year…little did we all know.

The next week I did a wedding at Fort Whyte Centre. It was a great chance to use my ‘turning 60 in a pandemic’ guitar. A 7 string telecaster!

The last gig of 2020 came in the form of a backyard engagement party. Did it as a duo with Adelle so the year ended as it begun.

6 gigs in 2020 while I feel lucky to have more gigs than my local contemporaries, I don’t feel lucky.

So far in 2021 I have done one gig in the for of a 20 minute taping to be aired next month