Other Media
You Have media not listed?
If you have media not listed here but you still want to convert we can still help you.
All you need is a device that plays those items and we can convert them.
16 or 78 rpm records you just need a record player that plays those discs.
8 track tapes need an 8 track tape player. Reel to Reel tapes need a 2 track reel to reel player. You get the idea
Audio is $25 per transfer and Video is $30.
If you wish it to be converted to USB you must supply the drive. Please allow 4GB per 2 hours of video.
If you are converting to DVD we supply the DVD.
If you are having it Dropboxed we will use our account and let you download it.
If you wish an extra disc, or an extra format (USB and Disc, Dropbox and USB) it is $5 per extra.
Please call ahead for our hours as they change seasonally.
Items can be dropped off at
River Heights Music
2025 Corydon Ave. #202
Winnipeg Manitoba
R3N 1P5